Sikrings Service offers competent assistance in Preventing, Confining and Unveiling criminal activity.


Sikrings Service offers assistance in crime prevention. It deters situations of crisis by in advance analyzing and reporting vulnerability to criminal exposure, and by its presence acts as a preventive measure, against impending threats.  Many criminal actions could have been avoided by relatively simple measures.


When criminal activity or some critical situation arises, Sikrings Service is able to assist in confining the damage.  Often circumstances related to disclosure of criminal activity, cause more harm than the actual loss. Persons involved on the scene feel serious stress. Therefore, it is of great importance that any criminal activity is dealt with and solved as soon as possible, so that required follow up measures can be implemented without delay.


It may be time consuming to investigate criminal activity. Often, outside resources are required to unveil and resolve criminal actions. It is always important that an investigation and the required action is started and implemented without delay. Sikrings Service is able to quickly assemble a team of trained personell with the experience required to deal with the situation.  The strength of Sikrings Service is knowledge, experience and intuition, combined with the availability of technically advanced equipment.

The effective disclosure and reporting of criminal activity has the effect of preventing such activity in the future.

THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY is exposed to many different threats. It is important to take counter measures against the following threats:

  • Economic dishonesty

  • Insurance fraud

  • International fraud

  • Pirate product distribution

  • Manipulation of competition

  • Product sabotage

  • Illegal product distribution

  • Data security issues

  • Money laundering

  • Industrial espionage

  • Blackmailing

  • Corruption

  • Bankruptcy fraud

  • Criminal business activity

  • Investment fraud

Criminal Business Activity is a serious threat against the business community.  Damage is widespread and causes greater losses than other forms of criminal action.  The business community is not only exposed to traditional threats, but also subject to new international criminal trends. The need of internal control and personell training, in identifying threats and unwanted activity, is increasing.  Personell awareness can be taught.  The requirement for information on business partners, persons seeking employment etc. is felt by many businesses.  Outside help is recommended in investigation of incidents, etc.

As much as, almost 80% of all loss and damages in business, is due to fraud by inhouse personell.

Yearly damages of approximately 40 billion Norwegian Kroner are inflicted upon private companies, government and private citizens by criminal activity.

The threat-picture is constantly changing, making it important to be aware of the threats, and take action to protect values and interests.

Contact us for more information or help with your problems.


Sikrings Service AS, P.O.Box 99, NO-1319 Bekkestua,  Tel: +47 91 81 21 21 - Fax: +47 67 12 11 55